Just an entry...

10 April 2009

Hi there again
Macam biasa, tak sedar masa berlalu sebab banyak sangat mende nak didahulukan berbanding blog
But hey, its weekend now
Thus I allow my self to blog something for YT

Actually, again, like always, there are so many things to say
It keep drafting in my mind, like konon2nya aku ada teknologi nak update blog dari otak aku ni
At last, bila tak de masa nak menaip, draf dalam otak hanya tinggal draf

Currently, living the last moments in UMP
Tak sangka pulak, setelah hampir 4 tahun lebih di sini, dah nak habis dah
Satu per satu projek ditamatkan, satu persatu assignment dihantar, macam menggambarkan masa untuk berada di UMP semakin singkat
Satu perasaan yang pelik terasa bila tirai di UMP semakin berlabuh

Like I said, I have a draft in my head
But I don’t want to write it now
Cos if I write it now, i will not satisfied with results, as the words are not flowing like it supposed to do

Thus, consider this entry sebagai entry biasa, di mana aku mencari kembali ‘roh’ untuk menaip

With that, will update later ok!



IamYonna said...

pakcik tempe,ape cer ko nye tempat practical? dah dpt ke blum?

mesti sedih kan perasaan ko..
melalui hari2 terakhir kt ump ?
dulu skema2 je muka.
skang da err tak skema la muka (i'm not gonna used word ensem :p)
byk kenangan kan>?
4 thn ko kt sane..

masih cinta lg? hahaha

Alin said...

tengah melalui saat saat akhir di utp jugak.

tapi macam tak sabar je nak cepat cepat habis :P

ahmadkamal said...

YONNAyou are not using the H word, thus, i dun want to aprove ur comment!
old story!

JAZLINin a way, yes, i do hope cepat abis
but in a wa, i know i will really miss these...