31 Julai 2009
Menurut kata filem Cinta:
"Kadang kadang hendak menyayangi
orang yang kita sayang itulah yang paling susah"
orang yang kita sayang itulah yang paling susah"
Betul tu...

Walau tidak dibasahi hujan...
Namun tempiasnya menyegarkan...
Biarpun rembulan tidak di ribaan...
Namun cahayanya cukup menerangi bayangan...
Kaulah satu cinta terhalang...
Namun tempiasnya menyegarkan...
Biarpun rembulan tidak di ribaan...
Namun cahayanya cukup menerangi bayangan...
Kaulah satu cinta terhalang...
p/s – entri pengakhir Julai... tadi terdengar lagu2 ini, dan just want to make them special by entering that in here... but somehow, it is related with my current situation…
p/s – pelik aku… tiba2 entri bawah ni banyak lak komennya… korang memang ske entri2 kontrobersi kan... =p
p/s - update pendek2 je boleh.. maklumlah, tenet curi! =p
hm..to love someone you already love, is hard?
why do malays have to complicate simple things?
loving is simple. it heals. it hurts, sometimes.
ah mmg pembuat filem melayu suka menyusahkan benda yg mudah. mcm bagus.
oh hi kamal!
haven't seen you around ginny for a while. where have you been?
KAK NANI - i dont think that it is a malay problem... i think when it comes to feelings, it is complicated...
damn complicated
sori lama tak ke ginny... bukak tenet, check emel n update blog sndrri je...
saya simpan entri2 kak nani untuk dibaca dengan penuh penghayatan nanti!
no its not complicated if ppl don't make it complicated. it's heaven-sent, god-given - complicated is how they are engineered..not how they are to be felt.
but i guess i tend to look past the nonsense of feelings being complicated - because when you have a heart, you have the capacity to feel, and when it's way bigger than any PC's harddisk, it shouldn't be a problem. just feel them, whatever they are..it's what hearts are made to do.
ah malay film makers mmg suka complicate things. konon mau nmpak philosophic - but when you start a sentence with kadang2 or sometimes - nyatanya itu an isolated case. and you wanna summarize how hard it is to love, beginning with 'kadang-kadang'? oh come on.
is it really THAT possible to be so shallow?
and they wonder why people don't watch malay romance movies.
sad, no?
tak selesai lagi ke masalah cinta ko tempe?? haihh. malaysia pon dah beralih ke masalah yang je 700, ko dok 1 masalah je hahaha
carilah cinta yang bagus...
lagu tema : cinta dari amy mastura..hehe
erm...people dont watch malay romance movies?
I dont think so :P
entry ni sticky mode kah?
KAK NANI - urm...
YONNA - masalahnya, aku 1 jenis masalah je... tapi kat orang yang ke 700!!!
JOEY - macam2 sangat lagu cinta yang diciptakan... so pilih je la...
KAK AYU - adakah itu satu perlian???
KAK NANI - urm...
YONNA - masalahnya, aku 1 jenis masalah je... tapi kat orang yang ke 700!!!
JOEY - macam2 sangat lagu cinta yang diciptakan... so pilih je la...
KAK AYU - adakah itu satu perlian???
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