25 April 2009
This entry is related to this entry…
Masih dalam dedication mode
Masih jua kepada anda semua pembaca YT
Duh, takde topic lain ke???
Salahkah aku berterima kasih???

Kredit to azmi
First of all, seperti aku cakapkan dulu, I met some good people here. Some of them, I’m not saying they’re bad, but I just feel uncomfortable with. Some of them like to read, and instantly leave their comment to what I have said. Some of them, just like to read, n don’t bother to comment.
Some of them, just read, laugh at it, laugh at my stupidity, and quote my words in front of me in the reality. These are people who cannot differentiate virtual and reality. Although what I’ve said here reflects who I am, but there are differences on who I am on virtual and reality
Duh, apa ko merepek ni???
Bukan tadi mode berterima kasih ke???
Dun blame me, blame the aura yang tiba2 datang untuk di'chanel'kan kepada penulisan
(di'chanel'kan??? Perosak bahasa!)
Btw, in that entry mentioned above, aku telah meminta pertolongan
Kinda merayu pon ada
Ada cakap aku guna ayat2 sedih meraih simpati
Who cares?
Yang penting, masa tu aku memang desperate
Dan knowing that I’ve known some people through YT who might have more experiences than me, I said, why not I’m trying to ask
Thus, that entry…
Entri tuh telah menjadi sticky mode selama hampir 2 minggu gak la
Dan terima kasih kepada yang respon
Special thanks to:
Thanks for those people who responded
And to those who read my entry
Memang sekarang ni amat susah mencari tempat LI
Dan aku dah dapat ni pon kira baik la jugak
Terima kasih YT!!!

Dari YT, aku telah dapat tempat LI
Kiranya entri hari tuh telah dibaca oleh orang yang betul
Dan Anonymous itu telah meminta beta memberikan resume kepadanya
Turns out that the person is a Dr who works in MPOB
And she offered me to LI under her supervision
Thus she will be my supervisor this June to November
That means, aku akan LI di MPOB, Bangi
Dah guggle pasal bakal supervisorku ini
Dan dapat tahu sedikit sebanyak pasal penemuan dia
Hebat juga bakal supervisor aku ni
Thus, aku rasa amat bertuah dan bersyukur sekali kerana memiliki YT
Melalui YT aku dapat kenal macam2 orang
Dan melalui YT aku telah berjumpa tempat praktikal
Tak sia2 aku membuka blog sejak dari awal dulu
p.s - sapa kata bukak blog tak bagus ek???
25 April 2009
This entry is related to this entry…
Masih dalam dedication mode
Masih jua kepada anda semua pembaca YT
Duh, takde topic lain ke???
Salahkah aku berterima kasih???
Kredit to azmi
First of all, seperti aku cakapkan dulu, I met some good people here. Some of them, I’m not saying they’re bad, but I just feel uncomfortable with. Some of them like to read, and instantly leave their comment to what I have said. Some of them, just like to read, n don’t bother to comment.
Some of them, just read, laugh at it, laugh at my stupidity, and quote my words in front of me in the reality. These are people who cannot differentiate virtual and reality. Although what I’ve said here reflects who I am, but there are differences on who I am on virtual and reality
Duh, apa ko merepek ni???
Bukan tadi mode berterima kasih ke???
Dun blame me, blame the aura yang tiba2 datang untuk di'chanel'kan kepada penulisan
(di'chanel'kan??? Perosak bahasa!)
Btw, in that entry mentioned above, aku telah meminta pertolongan
Kinda merayu pon ada
Ada cakap aku guna ayat2 sedih meraih simpati
Who cares?
Yang penting, masa tu aku memang desperate
Dan knowing that I’ve known some people through YT who might have more experiences than me, I said, why not I’m trying to ask
Thus, that entry…
Entri tuh telah menjadi sticky mode selama hampir 2 minggu gak la
Dan terima kasih kepada yang respon
Special thanks to:
Kak Liza – the first to respon via emel, who asked for my resume
Hilman – also among the first to respon, also asking my resume
Joey – who listed several companies that should I try
Kamal Sr – who asked for any placement in J&J
Kak Ayu – who mencarikan lubang =p
Fiqie – who shared her thought, and later offered me to take her place
Faizul – who told about his company, but I forgot to contact him! Ko tukar no apsal??? =p
Jazlin – who shared her experiences and gave her suggestions
Sinur Nadia – who emailed me details on how to apply for MPOB
Cahaya Pembuka Hatiku – komen yang panjang, dan memberikan contact no kompeni. Thanks!
Kriey – yang antar emel ke makciknya di USM from obersea… thanks bebeh!
Mizzamy – yang berniat tolong beta masuk design =p
Yop – who liked my father??? Haha
Princess – yang meng’alaaahaaaii’ kan beta
Kak Yanz – who asked me to tawakkal
Anonymous – who asked me to contact an email
Yonna – yang sedih2 lebih dari aku! =p
Mrs Taj – yang memberikan contact no satu company, thanks!
Kak Zura – for the suggestion
Kak Nani – who also mentioned about MPOB
Thanks for those people who responded
And to those who read my entry
Memang sekarang ni amat susah mencari tempat LI
Dan aku dah dapat ni pon kira baik la jugak
Terima kasih YT!!!
Dari YT, aku telah dapat tempat LI
Kiranya entri hari tuh telah dibaca oleh orang yang betul
Dan Anonymous itu telah meminta beta memberikan resume kepadanya
Turns out that the person is a Dr who works in MPOB
And she offered me to LI under her supervision
Thus she will be my supervisor this June to November
That means, aku akan LI di MPOB, Bangi
Dah guggle pasal bakal supervisorku ini
Dan dapat tahu sedikit sebanyak pasal penemuan dia
Hebat juga bakal supervisor aku ni
Thus, aku rasa amat bertuah dan bersyukur sekali kerana memiliki YT
Melalui YT aku dapat kenal macam2 orang
Dan melalui YT aku telah berjumpa tempat praktikal
Tak sia2 aku membuka blog sejak dari awal dulu
p.s - sapa kata bukak blog tak bagus ek???
sy tak dapat tlg pakcik hari tu. sori ek. takde mana2 lobang pun time tu. anyway pakcik TAHNIAH untuk pakcik. *clap clap clap*
realiti dan ilusi dua benda yang berbeda tapi mungkin bisa menjadi sama..
wah..pe daku merepek neh..
btw,congrat on what u manage to get it(even tak tahu pape)
"blogging is a theraphy"
TAHNIAH Kamal!! Tetiba rs cam bersalah pulak da lama xkomen kat cni.. Hehe.. But, apa2 pun, ak doakan ko melalui hari2 LI yang besh dan eye-opening.. Jgn stress2 k..
Semoga berjaya, n ak minta maaf awal2 kalau ada salah silap.. You have always been a great guy, and I hope you'll always have the strength to be your own self forever! LoL..
Good luck pak cik! =)
Alaaaahaaaiiii..hehe itu sahaja yg mampu princess tolong..surveykan harga hardbound tu..anyway, brapa kena kat sana total utk jilid thesis?.alaaahaiii;)
welcome to Bangi...best! hahahahaha
KHAIRNAJ - its ok.. bukan sume org boleh tlg... lagi pon ko pon tgh std lagi... neway... thx!
TSUJUN - uh... tatau nak respon pe pada komen ni... haha
anda macm faham, tapi macm tak faham
last2 gue yang pening!
IRINA - Salam...
dont bother... aku pon lama tak ke blog ko.. busy kan.. aku faham...
will catch up later k!
wah2, ayat2 last tuh, ampu ke hapa
tak kesah la... yang penting aku kembang...
PRINCESS - haaa dah sampai dah makcik alahaiiiii ni....
dah antar dah... rm25 satu... harap2 btol la kan...
FAIZUL - wes! support aku weh!!! kalo aku tak dapat umah, aku lepak ngn ko boleh???
pak cik, takde maknanye nak ampu skarang.. hehe.. setuju ngn mr.truanta.. bangi besh!!
haha u are saying blog anda dibaca oleh bakal supervisor anda? jeng jeng jeng.
have fun LI!
wonderful. looks like you're doing good. may it last. here's my reply to your comment up my because kamu suma ada satu post:
ohoho, takde nye penangan main-main cinta. it's just that, i cant completely give up magic. it's already a part of me. a part of us. so i'll write of hearts and their breakings, of love and it's beauty (tho i suck really bad at it) and of Nina and Ig, because there's definitely love between them and you and i both know that love is a kind of magic, too. =)
thanks, for saying i'm excellent in describing stuff. and you made me all teary when you said you felt Nina's pain. i appreciate that a lot.
and yes, not your fault. mine. and it's not makcik nani. i'm not yet 24. *frowns, kecik hati*
IRINA - eheh! ko ampu skunk,pastu bila aku g bangi, mesti ko nak suh blnja kan??? kan??
aku tau laa
JAZLINyerp jaz... kene kaber la lepas ni!
sampai ke sini nak balas komen...
beta subsribe la komen di blog kak nani
so bila kak nani balas di sana, baru beta unsubscribe..
so tak yah wat 2 3 keje nak copy paste di sini...
sian mak cik... penat nanti kan...
cepat sambung citer tuh...
nak feel the magic, through the love...
KAK AYUthanks!
wohow...aku baru terbaca pasal ni...
i think you will have a good time in MPOB...
My friend dulu ada buat internship di sana dulu...
so enjoyla goreng ayam banyak...hehehe(i think itu kat MARDI kot)..
p/s I'm on muka buku :)
JOEYyerp... i hope so... =p
takde benda yang susah sebelum nak senang..
ko sendiri dah nampak efek nya ko blogging sampai ramai nak tolong ko.
walaupun diorang dah listkan nama2 company (even ko tak dpt buat LI kat company2 yang dah di-listedkan), kurang2 ko dah nampak siapa kawan yang betul2 nak tolong ko (ehem,aku antara slh sorg) hahhaha.. atau mungkin meng-gelakkan ko sebab mintak tmpat LI menggunakan medium blog (dah tentu bukan aku)well, manusia mcm2 kan.
yang penting ko akan berada di banhi. mungkin aku tak bersedia utk membelanjakan ko mkn lg! hahahha
cepat2 dtg cni =p
date ngan kak zura ok! ;p
YONNA - yerp... betul tuh
walau tah napa, aku rasa komen ko ni, nak pomot diri ko kawan aku a ni???
thnks beb!
nanti jmpa di bangi
kita suh kak zura yang blanja!!!
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