It's been two weeks...

0138 – 4 November 2007

It’s been two weeks...
Since I avoiding A…
Since I cut all my contacting line with A…

It’s been real hard…
So hard!
To let go…
To moving on…

Easy to say…
Easy for me…
To advice people to let go…
But when it comes to me…
I experienced it myself…
In the hard way…
Feel like karma turns back to me…

All this time…
In these two weeks…
I tried to forget about A….
I tried to live my life without A…
I tried to not to think about A…

It turns out that I still keep my hope high…
I still have faith in A…
That somehow, someday…
A will come to me…
And relieving old days…
And make me happy once again…

In my conciousness…
I know all my feelings right now are crap…
I need to get hold on my life…
I should not be carried away by all these feelings…
I must try harder to get on, forget about A…

Most of the time I’m defeated…
By old memories…
By pieces of laugh…
By fragments of joy…
By myself…

Dunno what to do…
I just want to crying out loud…
In this place, I found it purpose…
Comforting me…
Relaxing me…

As soon, I will get to my conciousness…
Fully awareness…
That A must go…
And I must go on…
That maybe the time, I’ll be just fine…

My days pretty much the same…
Keep busying myself with works…
Study… final…

But in the middle of the night…
Before my eyes shut…
Before my brain carried away to dreamy land…
Here I am, typing these words…
To make myself better…
And to tell people…
That it is hard to let people come, and go!

I guess it is just two weeks…
I must keep my grip until it is long enough…
So that all these will dissolve away…

Yeah people, it is only two weeks…
But only me feel the burden!



zura lias said...

cube sibukkan dgn kawan-kawan..nescaya ilang sume ingatan..jgn secuit pun tinggal berseorangan..kalo sorg2..sure memori dtg..lgpun kamal tinggal dgn ur life...

aria ayumi said...

bukan ke si faizul pun angau kat A? is it the same person? uhuk. just guess.

ke... A stands for aria ayumi... muahaha! just perasan :p

aZwaN mUsLiM said...


a fren of mine penah ckp la kn
"kalo kita nk lupakn someone nih, jgn cuba utk lupakn dia. sbb makin kita cuba lupakn dia, makin kuat ingatan kita kt dia. so apa kita perlu buat, just buat cam biasa. jalani idup cam besa, sibukkn diri ngan kwn2. insya allah lelamer dia akan ilang dgn sendirinya.."


FAIZUL said...

kamal oh kamal...

ak tu per ko rasa...
ak da rasa bende tuuh.
memang awal2 brak memang susah..
sampai sekarang ak still ingat kat dier..

bukan stakat nak tido...kat mana2 pon..ak rindu dier apakan daya.tetiba mengadu plak kat blog ko..hahaha..

tp cuma ko kene kental la..x tau ko bleh wat ker ak memang x kental langsung...memang teringat kat dier..even dah 2 bulan...smpi sekarang..

tp ak cuba la nak lupakan dier...evenbede tuuh susah ak nak wat...ntah aper ak ak tau pr ko rasa...rindu kan?