
0106 – 24 Jun 2007


Setelah mood depresi melampau tadi, kembali ke dunia nyata. Mandi. Turun ke bawah.

Makan malam, sambil membaca paper paginya yang tak sempat dibaca pagi tadi (mak aku selalu beli paper petang2). Kosmo.

Di satu ruangan. Aku terpempan. Kata-kata hikmat.

"Orang yang berasa dirinya terlalu kesepian, paling teguh berpegang pada khayalnya"

Aristotle, pendeta Yunani

Serta merta sebilah panah menusuk jantungku. Tepat sekali panahannya.

Aku memang sering memandang diri aku sebagai manusia kesepian.

Well, it must change now. It must!

Now I feel better.

So, anggap je la entri sebelum ini tiada. I’m ok now.

There are more to life!

p/s – dan bukak pulak video2 yang baru ku download. Ada satu video ni.

The Corrs – Everybody Hurts.

The lyrics is so comforting. Macam my life has been sung by Andrea Corr. Best gila.

Cari di Imeem untuk diletakkan dekat blog ni, takde pulak,. Yang ada cuma promo je. Apapun, enjoy lirik dia. (best kalau dengar dengan full speaker dalam bilik gelap, duh syahdu je)

The Corrs – Everybody Hurts

When your day is long

And the night

The night is yours alone

When you're sure you've had enough of this life

Well hang on

Don't let yourself go

Cause everybody cries

And everybody hurts


Sometimes everything is wrong

Now it's time to sing along

(When your day is night alone)

Hold on, hold on

(If you feel like letting go)

Hold on

If you think you've had too much of this life

Well hang on

Cause everybody hurts

Take comfort in your friends

Everybody hurts

Don't throw your hand

Oh, no

Don't throw your hand

When you feel like you're alone

No, no, no, you're not alone

If you're on your own

In this life

The days and nights are long

When you think you've had too much

Of this life

To hang on

Well, everybody hurts

Sometimes, everybody cries

And everybody hurts


And everybody hurts


So, hold on, hold on

Hold on, hold on

Hold on, hold on

Hold on, hold on

(Everybody hurts

You are not alone)



aria ayumi said...

"Orang yang berasa dirinya terlalu kesepian, paling teguh berpegang pada khayalnya" Aristotle, pendeta Yunani.

huhu betul lah org kate... mata pena lebih tajam dr mata pedang... :D

kdg2 sepi itu indah... tapi adakalanya sepi itu boleh membunuh diri... berfikir mengikut kata akal... bukan berfikir menurut kata emosi...

itu jalan selamat... huhu smile plsssssssss... ngehhh :D

FAIZUL said...

"Orang yang berasa dirinya terlalu kesepian, paling teguh berpegang pada khayalnya" Aristotle, pendeta Yunani.

mak ooi...
mmg menusuk kalbu tu..
mmg betol la kan..kalo da sorang2!!..melangok je la keje kan..

so ok la tu if u want to change..the key is senang..ur mindset in everything u do..ko ko decide nak wat sorang..sorang je la jadinya..

cheer up..mingle with others..

papik said...

hebatla aristotle.
patutla org benci die sbb pemikiran die sgt melampaui zaman.
die dpt tu pon maybe die ade masalah dgn diri die kowt mase tu.
so die wat quote tu so that people kat future leh paham dgn kekurangan diri sndri.

jangan terlampau pk la kamal.
janji hidup bahagia.
walaupon single*woit aku pon single gak.agagagga*

:: cheezzy cheese :: said...

kamal.. i think i came tru this word dat day. itu column kat space kecik sebelah cartoon kan?

at least somebody get noticed dat section..