Not a Trace


3 April 2008

Aku rasa, aku mempunyai kawan-kawan yang berbakat.
Ada berbakat menulis lirik, ada berbakat membuat lagu.
Aku lak, berbakat apa ek?

Dan one thing about kawan aku yang suka wat lagu neh.
Dia akan bagi semua lagu baru dia dekat aku suh aku komen.

*maybe sebab aku de bakat mengkritik kowt*
Eheh! Ingat aku Ogy Ahmad Daud?

Tapi, nak kritik kawan2 neh sukar gak la.
Takut teraser hati.
Lagipown aku tak brapa tau nak wat lagu cmna kan.
So ak dgr, then ckp, kalo tambah ni sket mesti best, kalau tambah tuh mesti best.
Cam tuh je lah.
Tak mo lebeh2 lak kan.

Tapi tak yah komen banyak pown takpe.
Sebabnya, lagu dia dah cukup ok dah bagi aku.
Cuma suara dia sebut pe je tak jelas.
Dan selalunya aku kene mintak lirik.

Aku suh gak dia rakam len!

Not a Trace

Silence left us numbed
Unsaid words made us more distant
I close my eyes but I can’t reminisce
Your face, your presence…not a trace

I’m falling deeper into the abyss
Nothing to hold on to, not even a kiss
A single sound would be such bliss
But u stayed as silent as the breeze

My heart empty n my soul hollow
I’m trying so hard to let u know
I need u here, I can’t let u go
You’ve gone so far n I can’t follow

I can’t rewrite this worthless imagination
I feel u here, it’s a euphoric sensation
I can’t revive this unforgettable sense of being
I need u here, there’s no use pretending

My heart empty n my soul hollow
I’m trying so hard to let u know
I need u here, I can’t let u go
You’ve gone so far n I can’t follow

My heart empty n my soul hollow
I’m trying so hard to let u know
I need u here, I can’t let u go
You’ve gone so far n I can’t follow

But silence left us numbed
Unsaid words made us more distant
I close my eyes but I can’t reminisce
Your face, your presence…not a trace

My heart empty n my soul hollow
I’m trying so hard to let u know
I need u here, I can’t let u go
You’ve gone so far n I can’t follow

Bila aku dapat lirik lagu neyh yang dibuat oleh sowang kawan aku...

Aku terkesima...

Maybe because of the wording...
Maybe because I know her…
Maybe because all the old memories of me with her…
Somehow, this lyrics become something sentimental for me

Just want to share with u guys!
