Ko Ingat Ko DIVA???

Assalamualaikum warahmatullh hiwabarokatuh dan salam sejahtera.

Post ni maybe agak gelabah n emosional. Mybe jugak akan wat kita berfikir. I said maybe k. Cos aku tak tau apa akan jadi lastnya. Aku menulis je, tanpa tau apa hasil akhirnya. So, just layan~~~

Being approach by this gurl (i think) on ym, asking me to add her for my fren list. Her nickname was “that girl”. Dunno her at first, absolutely a stranger. Well, i was just being me, VERY NICE PERSON. To be frank i dunno how to be bad cos at last it will make me hurt. I think most of my fren will say i’m a good guy, but a lil bit naughty (hehe angkat bakul jap)

Never thought being nice will hurt me. Aku wat cam biasa, mula2 add je as fren, then mula la chat. At last tah knapa aku yang sakit hati. Aku cuba wat tatau, tapi aku keep thinking bout it. S***N punya pompuan. Tatau knapa aku geram sangat

She acted like she knew me well, and keep evaluating me from just a lil bit of our conversation. She is S**k... aku amat geram. Tatau lak wat baik jadi cmni. Hurm, baik salah, jahat pon salah, apa yang ada lagi kat dunia ni?

Well, aku copykan apa yang kitorg chatkan. Tolong evaluate n tolong komen. Sbb aku geram sangat.

me : assalamualaikum...

me : sapa ni?

“that girl” : did u get ma last msg?

“that girl” : sy juz add awak frm Y!360..

me : owh, ic...

me : tak dpt pon msg

“that girl” : awk kua td kot..

“that girl” : can we b frens?..

me : yup, i guess so

me : but first thing cmna awak add sy

me : cos sy tatau sbenarnya guna yahoo 360 tu

“that girl” : juz search randomly kat Y!360 dgree tu..

“that girl” : tp, sy da lupe profile awk..

me : so what r u searching 4

“that girl” : nway..sy amelia..20..s.alam..

“that girl” : jus new people..

“that girl” : make new frens..

“that girl” : nape?

me : ak 20 selayang

me : tak r, saja tanya

“that girl” : okie..

“that girl” : pelik ke?

“that girl” : mcm irc gak kan...

me : nope, act for me, sy tak suka cari strangers

me : meaning org yg sy tak knal

me : tak biasa

“that girl” : fine...

me : tu yg nak faham apa yg awak nak

“that girl” : xpelah...

“that girl” : then we dun hv to be frens..

“that girl” : bye..

me : lor

me : sy nak tau je...

me : bukan tak nak chat

“that girl” : ko x ckp ngn strangers aite?..

me : uish, marah? terus guna aku-ko...

“that girl” : so,i'm sorry..i bothered u..

“that girl” : bkn ke ko pun ckp ak-ko..

me : sy tak ckp sy tak suka ckp ngn strangers, sy ckp, sy tak suka cari...

“that girl” : okie...suits u..saya xbyak kwan lm ym..

“that girl” : thts y add up..some new people..

“that girl” : saje jer..

me : ooo ok...

me : saya pon add je..

me : sbb slalunya kwn yang de dlm ym

me : tak sangka lak leh jumpa org lain...

“that girl” : ehmmm...

me : sori terdc

“that girl” : yes?

me : nothing...

“that girl” : okie...

me : besarnyer font...

“that girl” : soo...still nak chat?..

me : apa guna ym kalo tak chat...

“that girl” : ader gmbar?...wanna share?..

me : uh, better chat first...

me : way to go for that

me : so what do u want 2 cht?'

“that girl” : for sharing some pic?...

“that girl” : xkan xder frenster or myspace?..

me : ada but...

me : nanti2 la

“that girl” : duh!...

“that girl” : i pass u...

“that girl” : u're sooo...not cool...n weird...

“that girl” : y dun u just go n chat wif ur dear frens..

me : funny eh...

me : u can judge people

“that girl” : we're strangers nway..

me : through ym

me : yeah we r stranger

“that girl” : uhuh...

me : thats y i dont want to give

“that girl” :17): tech es so...amazing!..

me : yeah amazing for a stranger like u to judge me

“that girl” : yeahh..i never met a person who r soo insecure...

“that girl” : what's the prob with seeing ur face...

me : ok now u se one

“that girl” : talking the person who i know how he'd look like...

me : nak wat cmna... itulah ym... kalo nak knal ikut muka baik tak yah

me : nanti akan pengaruhi cara kita nilai org

me : got it?

“that girl” : owh,then ym ni untuk org yg malu nak tunjuk muka jerla...

“that girl” : camner agaknyer ek if jumpe org kat luar for real..

me : ym ni utk org kan... org kan pelbagai... so take itor leave it...

“that girl” : pakai plastik tutp muka..

“that girl” : owh,lupa...kan awk ni just cakp ngan org yg kenal jer...

me : yeah,

me : so better be this way

me : delete je la nick ni...

me : cos talking to u meant nothing

me : c know people based on look not personality

“that girl” : of course...ym ez for passing time..

“that girl” : nothing moeant anything in ere..

me : losing ur nick won't hurt me

me : its meaningful if u try to find it

“that girl” : i never tell u i'm going to judge u by ur look...

“that girl” : i never even seen ur face...

me : well people does

“that girl” : but i know how close minded u r...

“that girl” : i dun care even ur face ez like what...u really ez not proud of urself...

me : tu bukan close minded

me : tu hati2

“that girl” : u dun stand up for urself...

me : cos anythg can happen here

“that girl” : we dun even know each other...

“that girl” : even if i seen ur face...

“that girl” : i'm not going to recognize u in public...

“that girl” : duh!

me : ok then

me : do what i say

me : delete my nick

me : n we'll never bother each other

me : ok

“that girl” : i've deleted ur nick...way b4 u asked me to...

“that girl” : thanx...for letting me know u...a lil bit..

“that girl” : bye!

me : ok then

me : bye

me : assalamualaikum

“that girl” : wa'alaikumsalam...

So, that how it was. Cmna korang rasa? Eh jap nak nyanyi (pernahkah kau bermimpi... seketika... berada di tempatku~~~) hehe. Marah tak?? Sbbnya dia judge aku hanya melalui ym! Kalo dia dah lama chat ngan aku macam kwn aku takpe – INI FOR THE FIRST TIME, A STRANGER yang aku pun tatau dan tak knal. Mmg S**l pompuan tu (memang aku tgh marah, dan tak mampu kawal emosi).

One thing is, aku tak suka stranger, tapi aku tak kisah kalo stranger nak kenal aku. Aku slalu je add friend request kat friendster n myspace, tapi kalo cmni la, baik tak yah. Tengok sajalah words yang aku mark in red, betapa dia judge aku sebelum kenal aku. Banyak cerita mengenai bad judgement ni. Dont judge a book by its cover. memang betul!

Pengalaman aku, aku pernah diminta add oleh seseorang melalui frenster. Dia track email aku n add aku kat ym. Mula2 tak kisah, layan macam biasa.

Sampai la satu tahap, dia kacau aku tiap malam, tak bleh tgk aku ol, terus tegur. (maybe sbb aku layan terlampau baik). Aku slalu sibuk sem lepas sbb projek aku tu, aku slalu ckp aku sibuk. Then dia macam tak faham, cakap kenapa la org2 slalu layan org chubby cam dia cmtu. (lor... bangang kan). Aku memang sibuk masa tu. Sampai kat situ, aku terus blok dia n sampai skarang aku tak dgr brite pasal dia.

Apa yang aku buat kat dia mybe kejam, considering she is chubby (but i never evaluate that in friendhip – tanya la sapa2 pon, aku kawan ngan semua org, tanpa kira latar belakang). Mybe aku kejam, tapi aku rasa aku patut buat. Ye la, sapa dia untuk mengharap apa2 dr aku. Aku mybe baik n ada rupa (naik lif, tekan tingkat 24 jap!), tapi itu bukan bermakna aku kana sentiasa baik.

Dan sebab utama kenapa aku tak nak bagi gambar aku, sbb aku selalu di misjudge sebagai orang yang baik. Kadang2 expectation orang terhadap kita, bila tgk muka baik sikit, mula ingat baik je, tatau betapa jahatnya aku. kadang2 aku kesian kat orang2 macam tu, sbb terlalu percaya pada muka dan bergantung kepada imaginasi yang orang hensem dan kacak tu baik, diri sendiri tergadai. well, kita dah dgr kan macam2 berlaku - kena rogol la, curi, samun dsb. Aku cakap bukan bermakna aku baik sangat, tapi beware la, awak tu perempuan. Dah macam2 aku buat (untold stories). Selamat la dia kena ngan aku, kalo kena ngan orang lain, mau hancur pompuan tu.

One thing, lepas chat ngan minah hampeh tu aku nampak la satu kwn aku ol. Aku tegur dia, copy paste perbualan aku tadi, pastu suruh dia evaluate. N then coincidence berlaku. Minah tu rupanya kawan baik dia. Mmg klaka bila pk bagaimana secara rawak dia mencari nickname, terkena kat kawan kepada kawan baik dia sendiri.

Tanduk aku mula tumbuh, korek r sikit pasal dia. Tanya kat kawan aku ni, dia ni cun sangat ke sampai nak act like diva. So kawan aku bagi la frenster dia, aku tgk, tkde la cun sgt. Muka tahap ok je. (aku tak suka menilai). Tapi kalo cmtu la perangai, baik tak yah kenal, kurang sikit possibility dia jadi awek aku (hehe). Sbb mybe coincidence like this mean somerhing, but i dont want to think bout it.

To all strangers yang baca ni, nak kenal boleh. I’m free to be known. But dont expect too much n ruin my life k.

Tu je rasa post kali ni. Dah panjang sangat pon. I really hope some one will comment this.


p/s – Siti Nurhaliza pon tak act diva macam budak ni... hehe



aisyah said...

emm.. kamal.. kamal.. brsabar la ye.. i know how it must hv hurt ur feelings.. but then ko dpt first hand experience that people can sometime be so narrow minded and be persistent about meaningless things. lpas ni ko tau laa mcm ne nk handle org mcm tu n how to control ur emo. jgn waste emo ko psal benda2 mcm tu. wat sakit hati n bengkak limpa aje laa..
neway,, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! org tua.. hehe!! hidup kelab sengal!

ahmadkamal said...

tq bebeh!

Anonymous said...


wow, dasat sunggoh...

weLL, mayb kamo ta knal kiter, but kiter ske gile bace kamonyer bLog...
sungguh jujur, tada selindung...
bagos la kamo...
kiter pon taleh sejujur ito kalo kat blog...

umm, nice to know u...

