Just telling u something...

0045 – 23 November 2006
Just telling u something…


Well thanks for the comments, at least a have someone who read this blog regularly.

I dedicated this entry to reply back most of the comments cos, right now I don’t have anything to do except sleeping and daydreaming. So I better get something to be done.


Huhu, one I noticed when they comments, it make me realized the ‘tone’ of this blog. Betul ke tone blog ni ala-ala frust melarat, tension and down gila?

Well kalau betul, nak buat macam mana. Aku ada perasaan untuk menulis bila aku rasa tension.

Aku perasan this blogging-blogging thing somehow can relieve my stress yang kadang-kadangnya aku tak boleh luahkan dalam real world.

Hanya kat sini aku bisa luahkan sejujurnya ke atas sesuatu perkara walaupun aku masih lagi sedikit berselindung dalam meluah, bimbang kalau yang terkena akan membaca.

Panjang n non-understandable

But when it comes to blog, when times I have to express what I feel inside, aku memang suka tulis panjang-panjang. (maybe because of this, I think I don’t have any regular readers).

Perasaan memang sukar digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Thats why sometimes bila aku menaip, aku taip ni, n taip that, n tak sangka-sangka ianya panjang. So nak buat macam mana?

Bila panjang memag susah difahami. My friends once said, nak baca blog ko, macam nak kena studi bio, kena cari isi penting, highlight n so on. Hurm, tatau la nak cakap ape. At least bila aku dah menaip, I feel relieve inside.


Aku tak kisah korang nak komen aku kat sini. I find this place is the place where i want to improve myself.

Despite all my monotonous entries, I am cheerful in the real world. But somehow, inside I feel different.

That is I want to picture out in this blog. Komen korang maybe akan membantu aku sort things out when I don’t know what to do.

Komen je sejujurnya. – Andai kau jujur memahami, tiadaku menjauhi – =)

Fighting for a losing battle

Hurm, let me elaborate more in this. Bout “fighting for a losing battle”, entah macam mana I always fall for a girl yang dah bercouple n ada balak. That’s y I called it “fighting for a losing battle”

Sebabnya aku tahu ianya agak sukar untuk mencapai kejayaan. Aku memang berharap at first. Aku akan merapati, then tengok macam mana – ada harapan atau tidak.

Bila dah rapat – one i realised about these girls, diorang still attached to their bf. And their was no more space for me to interrupt.

Bila dah takde harapan – baik aku bla je. I’ll move on, but at the moment i feel depress, tulah terjadinya entri yang meratap n macam kesian je bila baca.

But sebenarnya as times goes by, aku ok je, cos it adds something for me.

N for hilman, I’m aint nothing like u. Tengok je la macam mana kau strive for the “biskut”.

Aku selalu fikir apa perasaan orang kalau aku buat macam ni, macam tu. Tak nak buat diorang feel uneasy. Maybe I think too much?


Huhu... matriks, someone like me? Who? Sapa yang buat khabar angin ni?

As I realized there was no one except two gurls lah yang keep smsing with me, adding colors to my hectic life in matrix. Is that the sign of someone likes me?

N to answer your question, I do like someone back then. Tapi nak buat macam mana dia dah tak layan kita, so again I’ll better move on.


Entahlah kan. Banyak sebenarnya I have crush on girls. Huhu (sesi luahan rasa)

Semashur – 2 orang
Matriks – seorang
First year of UTEC – seorang
sem of UTEC – seorang

Banyak tak? Tu pun kiranya aku susah nak fall for somebody. Kalau tak mesti banyak lagi.

Ym ngan kawan aku, dia kata – mesti sem depan kau dapat yang lain pulak la

Satu semester, satu cerita, satu lagu tema kan. (promo filem cinta)

Gosh, tak sabar nak tunggu citer tu, macam best je.


Neway, i better stop now. Kang kata aku meraban tak ingat dunia pulak. Well who cares? Its my blog.

Good day n bye!



Anonymous said...

inilah kisah seorang kamal yang duka nestapa kerana..cinta? hehe..ye mmg ko pny blog suka hati la nak tulis cane,kn?
rupa2nya ko ni seorang yg slalu ter'crush' kat org la ni..huhu..kita sungguh berbeza, aku ni betullah berhati Azkaban sbb susah betul nak fall kat sapa2. kecuali ar kalau ade Faizal Tahir yg lain, yg single! hehe:p bila aku baca apa yg ko tulis mesti nak tergelak je..bagus la, sekurang2nye xde la tensen sgt nak exam ni. semashur - 2 org? i wonder who they were?? mind telling me? hehe. aku xde pengalaman bab ni, jd yg paling expert kat sini hanyalah hilman. hahahaha:D tp rasenye dia dah pening2 dah bila ckp psl ni. aku pun xberani kacau.

tp mase kat mtrx dlu, aku ng geng aku suke main2 cam minat kat org. tp ktorg2 je la yg tau. saje je, bila org tu lalu je, nnt ktorg pn wt la cm berdebar2 la, excited la, nk pengsan la..huahuahua:p tp org tu bukn tau pun. ktorg pun suke diorg tu sbb yg xmunasabah langsung. ade sbb muka dia cam banduan la, sbb cam loloq la. yg aku minat pula sbb org tu slalu dtg awal mkn. punctual! n dia minat gle superman..cam faizal tahir gak.hahahaha:P

aku dah wat blog ko cam tmpt aku lak. maaf tuan besar!

-->kd si pari-pari baik

ahmadkamal said...

takpe la pari2... tuan besar benarkan... buat la macam umah sendiri ek...

Hilman Nordin said...

cis.. pari-pari baik! (baik ker?)

hmm.. xdenye aku byk pengalaman.. ade la sket. ngn biskot je la.. pastu ne de dah? da pnat le nak crush2 ni weh.. (huhu)

hmm... ttb cam ada nama aku dalam entry ko yg nih.. huhu. im proud man! fighting for a losing battle is not possible sbb any rational ppl rationally think the same way as i am.(maybe?)

1. if you lose already, it is not a battle already. it is post-war situation. and you have already quit fighting for it!
2. yup, sometimes, the battle seems not to side with us. that our princess is held hostage by the other side.. but, we are still fighters, not losers.
3. if you gave up, then you lose
4. if you fight, and then you see another equally beautiful princess (or better) and you gave up on the previous one, that does not count as losing.. (huhu)

i heard this somewhere:
we might lose da battle, but we will not lose the war..

i won the biskut in the old days. and now, i did not have it anymore. tell you something, it will hurt more to be 'dumped' (am i using the rite word? sory biskut.. this is not you im talking about) then to be rejected. lolz.

*I was winning a losing war then...*