
26 Oktober 2008

Guess the old me is coming back.

Not in the full form though, it is still half-like, with something missing from the old one. But, I certainly feel it’s coming back.

Hearing songs with heart. Make me travel a great distance, floating in the air, until at last I reach somewhere where I feel peace inside. This feeling has been ceased away over time, and its coming back! Damn!

Dunno what happened, living these 3 days in bed, barely touch my feet outside this room, outside this house. With Lisa left unstarted, I bet she’ll take some time before it can move freely when I want to. Hearing songs, watching movies, sleep. Not productive. Just enjoying my sweet little time here, which I know, I will regret it later, cos there are so much things to be done before Tuesday. Plus, this is the start of the study week. Damn!

Wonder, why on earth at this time, me become me. There are so much untold secret that should have been left untold. Thus, to keep the silence is necessary.

To all, who are happy and healthy, lives your life to the fullest k. cause when the moody side kicks in, you don’t have any time to get productive, you’ll used most of your time mourning something that has not been there in the first place!

Tired of entry like this?

Well, I think it’ll get better, soon I get better too.

Tomorrow perhaps!

For now, let me enjoy the moody side, before burying it deep inside, untouchable by sight!



:: Cikgu Wiween :: said...

tambahan :
I think i ate pizza too much that i forgot how to speak in malay. Owh i lurveeeeeeee pizza! agagaga ;p

ahmadkamal said...

aish! orang melayu-jawa-himpit ni...
tak bleh la nak speaking sikit...
jeles n nyindir je kejenya...