Where Were We???

24 Oktober 2008

On my 22th birthday, 11 July 2008, I think I have made a big step for YT. Dunno where the idea came from, I went a great length in this blogging world by privating YT and came into hiding.

With me, I brought some of people that want to be with me - well at least want to hear from me.

Some of them eagerly gave their email address, so they can continue reading this blog, but there are some who refused to gave their’s as they claimed they email address is private and confidential. I said, screw them, take it or leave it! I’m the one who gave a bidding here. If you want to continue, then you must do some work! That was what I thought back then.

And the entries in YT continue…

In the hiding, with certain smaller amount of people around, I wish I want to make this YT to its old tone. What tone you may ask, well my old readers certainly know ‘the tone’.

But being among new readers, they do not see the significant of me privating this YT. They keep asking why.

And me, myself, after a few months, after all my entries being commented by the same person, with no expanding perspectives, my life get bored. And it makes me thinking to un-private this.

And it brought me to a question – why do I want to private this blog in the first place on July???

Here are some points that I can list:

1) ‘The tone’. If you are old readers, you know how the tone of this blog was. And it was bad. This blog has encountered some depressing moment, where the blogger keeps repeating, typing an entry over and over again, about how he hates the world, what he depressed most an so on.

When new readers come in a way, they only found out about the cheerful blogger, as 'the tone' keep fading away.

But for the blogger, he felt some kind of loss. The place where he can poured his heart without limitation has become a place where it is limited as it is gaining more readers over time.

Maybe the blogger want to hide who he was, and he need to write in ‘that tone; badly. Thus, he private this YT.

2) Expanding of friends. This blog has created lots of friendship in a unique way. Without noticing, the blogger have touched many other blogger in this intermingling of connection between the blogs and bloggers. And the friendship keeps expanding from time to time.

A problem occurred for the blogger. As he is a person who keep confused about one person and another, he felt it is hard to keep track on the expanding friendship. He keeps mixing bloggers profile, and sometimes when he want to comment their post, he endure a hard time to recall the details about the blogger.

For example, the profession of bloggers. There are two bloggers who put ‘teacher’ as their profession. And this handsome blogger keep confused about them! (but not anymore, as one of them has been ‘himpit’ in a KTM!)

3) Still on the expanding issue. When there blogger world is expanding, the blogger is loaded with a social workload – to repay back the visit that other blogger has done to YT. But, the blogger himself has been loaded by his life as a final years student!

Thus, the blogger feels bad when he don’t have time to do something good to the expanding friendship. Some of the blog that the blogger followed along these years also encounter a situation when the blogger do not have time to give any comment due to his responsibilities.

Thus, why adding them up? Private this blog, and the friendship will at stationary phase, and hopingly, the blogger can keep track on their posts.

But it is impossible, the blogger concluded. As everyday, there are numbers of entries being updated by this limited numbers of bloggers, and yet, the blogger cannot keep track on that!

So, what the hell, just opened the YT, and let all entries from those bloggers left uncomment, as the blogger himself is busy with his workload.

Thus, on this glorious Friday, October the 24th, I officially un-private back this YT.

Let this be the probation time for YT
If do not like what I get from this thingy, I can simply go back into hiding by privating this blog…

Some might love on this un-private thingy, but I assumed some might get angry as they have to do some effort by sending their email before!

Sorry, this step is taken after the blogger has took some time to think.
Well, maybe, for like – A MONTH!

p.s – maybe English tunggang langgang. Men taip je… bakal2 cikgu TESL dari UTM, sila check entri ini dengan pen merah ok!!!



DeWi said...

patut laa... all of sudden, ttb aku nye google reader tulis...

yang terdalam 24 entry updated.. erk!
uper2nye.. not private anymore... hey! dude! x yah la private. tsekt la tuk bersosial. kter kn sosial.. hahaha

Diya said...

patutlah bukak google reader tadi, byk entries kamal. erm, bagus gak kamal bukak balik ni. at least, tak yah log in dulu, terus masuk je. huhu

anyway, that's why apa pun yg berlaku diya takmo private blog dah. sbb "skop" blog akan jd sgt limited. tapi, takpelah kamal... klw takpat kembalikan tone YT yg dulu pun, ok what. bukannya kamal berubah jadik org lain kan. still kamal yg sama.

keep on blogging okeh ;)

p/s-rs mcm 1st time pulak baca entri kamal yg penuh ngan english words :D

Rina said...


wah, wah, wah.. hehe.. setelah sekian lm beta xdapat nak online dgn senang ati (yela, sblm ni keje x siap2... arini baru boleh 'bernafas' skit...), singgah la sini..

walaa, kamal da xpvt kn blog.. yahoo!! ehh, ala, salah..

hem2.. em, kamal, nape tukarkan k'privatean blog ini??? apa berlaku??

haha.. konon2 nak berdrama, tp xjd.. lol..

neway, kamal, setuju ngn diya.. yg penting, diri kamal sendiri.. u know yourself kn? if people can't accept u for what you write, then it's their loss..


tetiba teringat satu ayat iklan,
"kerana dirimu, begitu berharga..."


in d end, the decision is in ur hand, mr kamal.. do what you think is best, n we will support u from behind..

~gambatte ne!!

Hilman Nordin said...

ah? aku gi sini dulu, baru aku tgk google reader. patut la ada 100+ entry baru yg aku tak baca lagi.

your 25 entries are among them.

tp bila aku baca this one... perghhh.. berabok siot english ko! orait la tu. aku rasa cikgu TESL pun bagi A++


social burden eh? don't think it as a burden. jgn harap orang datang at the first place pun. just give it all away, comments, good ones so that you can make someone's day! (you have made my day so many times!)

i noticed one of your old 'controverially titled' entries received one more comment.

your blog are one of those i prefer to follow up comment into my email. LOL!

ahmadkamal said...

kalo aku sosial, nape nak kuar pown aku tatau sapa yang nak diajak???
lama dah tak makan luar...

kalo pvtkan, topik akan menjadi besar.. tak kesah ckp pasal apa pown.. yang limitednya komen... dr komen la slalunya kita dapat perspektif baru... so it have pros n cons there...
yerp... mungkin ni 1st time bagi diya, dulu byk je entri bi...
i'm changing u know..

1st, takyah nak berdrama...
ko tak pandai! it is bad! hahaha
dan tiba2 ko nak jadi model iklan lak...
mmg la nampak sangat lama tak online...
neway thnks...
ko mmg slalu kat blkng apa2 keputusan dalam YT pown!
thnks 4 da support!!!

berabok? aku dapat detect je kesalahan... tapi malas nak edit...
its not burden, but a good deed...
ye lah, owang dah dtg blog ko, mesti at least kene lawat balik kan..
but not much time to do that!
which controvercial entry??? byk sgt controvercy YT ni...
pasal ko tuh ke?
kontroversi ke???
well, i always follow ur response to my comment in ur blog via email too!

Kurt Kuden said...

your english is very good. i like ha

zura lias said...

mcm akak komen kt diya..same mcm akak komen kt sinie..be urself..iskk..nk kene budak 2 org nie..pasal blog pun nak jadi isu..hahahaha

ikut pada..kenapa kite berblog..ikut pada rasa atie kite..ape yg kite suke..lagi skali..just be urself...nak private ke..xmo private ke..kite yg decide..jgn biar emosi kawal kita..biar kite kawal emosi..*erkk..ayat nie ade kaitan dgn entry tak?*..ahhahaha

ahmadkamal said...

haha... thnks!!!

sama yek kitowang...
ye la...
maybe kami masih muda...
bawu lepas 18 taun...
krisis identiti...
kak zura len la..
dah tua...
nway thanks 4 da comment!!!

IamYonna said...

oh.entry ni :o

aku termissed la :D

ahmadkamal said...

thnx 4 coming back n reading back this entry!