
21 June 2009

Its been a week since the last update in the YT
(the last entry was autopublish, so…)
And I have started my internship in Bangi

Actually, I was a bit nervous about that
The thing that you have waited for months, now finally arrive
It’s the matter of excelling it, or just be disaster

My first week?
What I can say is, I’m adjusting
A bit disappointed maybe, when comparing my experiences with all my friends who started their internship also

But, I think, it is too early to compare right???
This might turns out good

The first week saw me spending most of my time in the library
Reading articles, finding journals and patents, and understand them

It just like having a PSM all over again, when I’m entering this research-based company
Makes me think, am I done enough with researching?

Dunno, I’ll let these 5 months to decide
And don’t blame me if I’m having a PMS now and then
I’m researching here...

Living in the rent house is quite different I guess
Cos everything you want, you need to find it yourself
Bukanlah tak reti mencari, tapi again, I’m adjusting

Yela, kat U dulu, nak makan pon, kafe depan rumah
Sekarang ni, nak makan, kene tunggu, kelaparan sekian lama, baru pergi mencari

Hurm, nak tulis pe lagi ek?

Last entry tuh, means nothing now
But it meant something at that time

Naik atas, turun bawah
Ada gembira, ada tak berapa
So I guess, let the last entry be something to add the color to YT

Seriously, tak tahu nak tulih pe lagi
Otak aku jam kowt.

Oh, currently I’m at home
Balik weekend
Amik keperluan yang tertinggal
Can you believe that I forgot to bring my towel and blanket???

Selimut takde hal, rumah tuh pun panas gak
So, tidur no hal
But towel???

Luckily (lucky ke?) aku ada bawak satu towel lama
Yang telah dikerat 3 ¼
Yang telah digunakan untuk mengelap cat waktu aku cat rumah baru2 ni
Jadi la, untuk semalam

Esoknya aku pergi mencari dan membeli yang baru

Deh, kata takde idea, taip jugak kan...

6 days, to go
Cant wait!!!
Eagerly looking towards that!!!

Dah2, pegi sambung buat keje
Jangan baca blog je!!!



Alin said...

intern la best. hehe. takpa, baru-baru lagi kan. after few weeks u'll adapt and start to love the place. or not. haha.

happy intern!

Rina said...

lorr, da stat eh LI? mati2 ingat next week ni baru stat..
good luck k.

Max J. Potter said...

hey kamal, all the best to you. will include you in my daily prayers.


ahmadkamal said...

JAZLIn - hahaha love ur theory
guess will try to adapt
suke tak ske blakang kira
yang penting lepas kan diri dari intern ini dan grad dgn jayanya!!!

IRINA - sori tak bls msg ko pagi td... thnks neway... yerp, dah start sminggu dah... tertinggal keretapi ek??? haha
neway, thx la ingtkan kat aku...

KAK NANI - thnks... in ur daily prayer?? wow! i'm flattered...

F said...

kamal..nape mcm sedih je intern?relax la..stay umah sewa kt mane?leh kite g mamam memlm nanti..or u cn come by..i make u something..hehehe..duk fasa bape?bgtau eh..hehe..
rindu argue ngn ko..nanti kite argue lg eh?

Princess Liyana said...

hmm good luck la ek utk intern;)wish u all the best in life..huhuhu

eyp..cmne leh lupa towel..hahaha ;P

EsLemOnTeA said...

enchek kamal
jangan malas2 membaca dan wat research
sila jadikan library sebagai rumah kedua anda
hari nie aku nk surf tenet smpi muntah before berpergian khamis nanti

never mind la
keep it up for another week or so
you'll get used to researching

ahmadkamal said...

NANA - aku sewa kat saujana putra la.. jauh dr bangi... will inform u later thru fon if dun get this... =p

PRINCESS - thnks bebeh! ops... tak leh lebeh2... thanks auntie! uhuk!
dah lupa, nak wat cmna...
towel 3/4, sedikit seksi laaa

FIQIE - huhu... mggu ni dah start exp dah... haha
kamis ke manakah ko?
will get used with researching eh?
i hope u will get used with the speech drafting... uhuk!