U might understand, u might not...

07 March 2009

Sudah seminggu tidak menulis di Yang Terdalam…
Sudah terlalu lama tidak menulis Dari Yang Terdalam..

My entries get shallow, and shallower as time goes by
I realized that…

Rage. Hate. Frustrated.

That might be three words that described what is happening inside of me now.
Don’t want to give much detail about it, but every things that I thought about, re-circled around those three words.
I guess not many know.

To fake a smile is norm in my life. To act like nothing is happening is actually my ability. To avoid confrontation is my specialty.

I do hate confrontation. I hate them. I cant stand when thinking there is someone who hate me for what ever reason they have.

I’m only human. I cant satisfy everybody. There might some people who likes me, and some of them don’t. I get that.

But this is me. Aku akan cuba sedaya upaya mengatur keadaan agar semua puas hati. Banyak konfrontasi dapat dielakkan, dan ramai yang berpuas hati.

In the end, it turns out that I’m the one who suffered to satisfy their needs. Dan aku? Takde sapa peduli.

Actually, I’m getting tired telling and thinking about this. Same old story. The repetition is annoying. And the tale never ends.

Maybe I think about it too much, and it gets complicated and more complicated as I think. But, how can I solve the problems if I am not thinking?

I’m longing for something, I want it badly. I gave hope, I told the truth.

All I get was rejection and frustration. I’m torn apart. Jujurku hanya hancurkan hatiku.

Duh, this is a mess up.

I’m planning to write this entry longer than this. But, now I feel that it is too messed up to tell you about it.

Tak tahu hujung pangkal mana nak cerita, mana satu patut didulukan, mana satu dikemudiankan. Macam benang berselirat, tak tahu pangkal, tak tahu hujung.

Keep thinking want to tell somebody bout it. Tapi selalunya tak semua yang diberitahu. I think I need the exclusivity of the story to be entirely mine. I’m might be like a volcano, which have so much things bottled inside.

Bila mau meletup?
Tak tahu.
Tak sampai limit lagi kowt.

Guessing what it is I’m talking about? Keep guessing. U might get right, or u can be totally wrong.

Sebab entri ini bukan hanya bercerita tentang satu perkara. Ianya banyak perkara, aku telah compresskan menjadi satu susunan perkataan2 yang mungkin korang faham, mungkin tidak.

Nak terasa pon, terasa la, I’m not mentioning any names or what this is all about. Macam mana korang nak meneka kalau takde basis kan.

Atau korang memang suka membaca and being judgemental?

Up to you, you decide.

But for me, this confusing entry has relieved some pressure inside of me. A ventilation entry.

Ughh, aku mencari ayat yang lebih dramatik nak tamatkan entri ini. but I couldn’t find one.

So, I better out.

See you, when I see you.



Nurul Nadiah said...

awatnya ni
sayu ja bunyinya

cheer up. cheer up

do smile ya! =)

Liza said...

Whatever the difficulty that u are going through, I hope it'll pass soon, miss reading happy and funny entries from you, take care..

Azie.Fauzi said...

tak apa...teruskan bersabar sehingga satu tahap...lepaskan semua...sure lega pastu..

understand..even though not really understand...[ saja kasi ayat wat penin pala ekekeke]

Joey said...

dear inchek kamal..

complicated is the thing, isn't it?

i dont get the situation actually, but somehow I kinda familiar with the feeling

whatever it is, hope u can go through it...
okay okay on the lighter side...

itu kau ker kat stesen KL sentral dalam rancangan BANG BANG BOOM tuh??

aku tau aku memang sangat ketinggalan.....

iya ker???? hahaha....

Zaheera said...

Be STRONG... Be a SURVIVOR.... I know u can SURVIVE...

Alin said...

aku penah baca banyak entri similar to this dalam blog ko - pasal ko cuba puaskan hati semua org but in the end ko gak yang sedih sedih tak de orang puaskan hati ko. u know what, life is like that. accept the fact that even how hard we try to please people, some of them would not even bother.

here's your reality check. if u still want to please others, i think what u can do is u should not put any expectation. u shouldn't expect people to please u back, because they simply won't. lagi senang if u don't even try to please them, just tell them what u fell in the 1st place. confrontation pun confrontation lah kan, deal with it.

i know u are strong enough to face this, so hang in there.

ok panjang saja macam nak bagi semangat sikit haha.

:: Cikgu Wiween :: said...

relax dik relax. :)

IamYonna said...

pakcik tempe :(
ish aku tak suke entry ber-emosi ko.
aku takde speku entry2 ko sebab aku tatau ujung pangkal,
but whatever it is..
chill ok! :)

mmg lumrah hidup,
kita puaskan hati ppl around us,
but at the end, kita yang sakit sendiri,kita yang tak puas sendiri.
semua sebab terlalu memikirkan org.
semua pernah hadapai situasi mcm tu.
try to get out of it.
sampai bila kita nak pk hati org je kan?

do come back dear ;)

victoire said...

sabor laa cik kome heh.
kadang2 kite akan kena gak benda yang kita x suke.
gunekan kpale otak untuk hadapi ngan bijak. hehehe.

courage mec!

Max J. Potter said...

dude, a blog is (one of the functions) a ventilation system. you vent stuff out, you feel better, looks like your blog does satisfy that need. hey. smile like you mean it. feel the magic.

ahmadkamal said...

yerp... i'm smiling
like usual, there's day when i'm down...
biasa lak tuh
mcm tak biasa...

thnks kak liza...
there will be more on that...
mau entri gilak yah?

i know u dont understand the thing that i tot u understand, but u keep not understand, u understand takkk ni????

yerp... familiar with the feelings....
zaman2 yt awal2 dulu...
erk... tolong lah..
tutup buku lama, bukak buku baru....

thanks 4 the encouragement...
u always expect high from me right...
n it always makes me up high!

thnks 4 the reality check..
walau membaca at the first time hurts, but, after being rationalized, there is a fact in ur comment...
in a way, bagi smngt gak la..
thnx again...

yerp... relaxing myself

aku tau ko tak ske
aku tau gak, walau cmna pon, ko ada terase mau busy body apa yang berlaku kan...
aku tau ko...
i will do come back
just wait!

that 'kepala otak' amat menusuk kalbu...
but it works!

this is the function of YT since long time ago - a ventilation system...
n i do know that i can create magic just from smiling..
its my ability u know...
*sambel senyum kambeng*