For Those Who Understand...

23 Disember 2008

Sebetulnya, ada perkara yang mengganggu fikiran aku tadi
Amat-amat menganggu fikiran

Sampaikan aku dapat merasakan, aku akan membuat satu tindakan bodoh yang mungkin juga melibatkan kalian..
Hurm, maybe tak lah terlampau bodoh, let we change the word to extreme..

Dalam keadaan itu, hanya tindakan ekstreme boleh melegakan fikiran aku.
Aku sudah begitu hampir untuk melakukannya
Amat-amat hampir…

Namun, semuanya berubah bila sedikit kegembiraan menyimbah…
The shades of happiness happened again…
It has become official

And for this time, I chose to keep it secret, by not telling exactly what it is…
U can make wild guess, but I might not tell you what

For those who know me well, maybe you can guess... =p
And I’m blessed that the happiness happened, when I, like I said, want to cast that extreme step…

Tak faham?
Mungkin ini entri untuk mereka yang faham…

Sometimes, there are things that are better left untold to others…
And this time, I chose to tell only those who understand….

p.s - corrected.. th kak nani! =p
p.s.s - thank god, there are people who understand and has phoned me to confirm it! =p



Diya said...

shade of happiness. i'm happy for you ya. omedeto! =)

Diya said...

btw, what kind of tindakan "bodoh" that u meant? curious.

Max J. Potter said...

Sometimes, there are things that better left untold to others…
And this time, I chose to tell only for those who understand….

to kamal, here are your corrections.

Sometimes, there are things that ARE better left untold to others, or simple say: Sometimes, things are better left untold.

Next, And this time, i chose to tell only those who understand. drop the FOR.


overall. nice post. sounds like you're all warmer. happy for you. =)

~ mizzAmy ~ said...

~ erm.. ada benda yg memang seeloknya kita rahsiakan. mungkin ada baiknya.

apa2 pun, happy for u too. ~

zura lias said...

ade mende yang kite rahsia..kite rahsiakan..ade mende kite cakap..kite cakap..ade mende gumbira.leh share-share..hiks...kalo mkn besar..pun kene share2 gak..

*ape lak akak merepek nie..*

Rina said...


Alamak, nak kata paham, xtau la betul ke tak, nak ckp xpaham, mcm tau la pulak..

Lol.. Suka gak teka-teki ni.. :)

Anyway, kalo ianya berkaitan dgn shade of happiness yg dulu, kemungkinan pertama mgkin betul.. Haha..

Pe la yg ak ngarut ni.. Haha..

Xpela, papepun, congratulations.. I'm waiting for mine even as I type this comment.. Insya-Allah, esok akan terungkailah segala persoalan & penantian..



PS : Glad you're better.. :)

attiey said...

mmg misterious ak ni..har har...

left untold ya...?

:: Cikgu Wiween :: said...

yup. mmg betol kata kamal! kak ween mmg x paham! hakhaka

ahmadkamal said...

thnx diya... anda tau ke? betul ke anda tau? betul ke tekaan yang anda tau itu???
tindakan ekstreme! biarlah rahsia...

thnks 4 da correction!!!
masih banyak untuk dipelajari rupanya... =p

thnks kak amy.. walau mungkin anda tatau apakah itu... =p
yerp... sedikit mende patut dibiarkan rahsia...

diya gtau ke?

yerp.. berkait dengan dulu! dan sama macam dulu1
tapi tak mau letak di sini secara open!
n gud luck 4 urs!!!

yerp... this is for those who understand! sori!

slamat tidak memahamkan diri!