The Trilogy...

12 Disember 2008

I have a thing with words. Words can be contagious, it can be a virus! It can be inspirational, it can lift up people, making them to be more motivated. And I do believe ‘kata2 lebih tajam dari membunuh’.

Aku suka membaca. Sejak dari dulu, aku rasa aku sudah mula membaca.

Sesi pembacaan dalam hidup aku dimulakan waktu aku darjah 1 aku kira, bila aku secara serius mula membaca
siri-siri misteri novel melayu [link]. Itu pon setelah diperkenalkan kawan.

Sejak dari itu, membaca sudah menjadi satu ketagihan. Mula membeli sendiri buku2 tersebut. Yelah, dulu rm2.50 je kan. Sekarang aku tak pasti. Last time I checked, it was rm2.90.

Dulu baca satu buku satu hari pond ah bangga giler. Sebab masih kanak2 kan. Sekarang, hanya perlu 1 jam!

Makin besar, diperkenalkan dengan pembacaan ringan pula.
Komik. Darjah 6 ke atas dipenuhi dengan angan2 menjadi son goku, ada kuasa penyiasatan seperti penyiasat remaja, dan ada sisi kelakar macam shin chan. Banyak komik yang aku kumpulkan dari dulu hingga kini bersama adik aku, dan ia masih terjaga rapi di rumahku di sini.

Oh, tingkatan2 juga mula membawa aku kepada novel2. tatau mana pengaruhnya datang, mula membaca novel ahadiat akashah. Kumpul dan tamat di situ aku kira.

Semakin dewasa, mula membaca buku inggeris pula. Sedikit lambat dimulakan, kerana dulu aku tak faham. Mungkin waktu itu, aku sudah sedikit faham, thus mula membacanya dengan aktif.

Pilihan, tentulah Harry Potter. Giler citer ni, macam mana lah dia imaginasikan segalanya??
Khayalan tingkat tinggi!!!

Setelah tamatnya Harry Potter, mencari2 bahan bacaan yang menarik hati. Aduh, mana ni.

Sekejap, setelah dipengaruhi dengan PRU, membeli buku politik. But that book left unread completely. Aku hanya baca sikit-sikit sahaja. I guess, that is not my thing.

Saat kebosanan teramat melanda, bertanya ‘seorang kawan’ [link] apa yang bagus dibaca. Tu pun setelah melihat dia banyak featurekan books in his blog. Dia suggestkan “5 people you meet in heaven” by Mitch Albom.

The 5 People You Meet In Heaven... Satu hari dah habis maa...

Petang itu juga ke Kuantan membeli. Terus membaca. Lepas sehari dah habis…

Duh mana lagi ni???

Bertanya pula kawan yang lain. Dia memberi satu list bacaan yang ingin dia baca. Dan dia juga referkan aku kepada blog kak nani [link], katanya di situ buku2 yang dia featurekan menarik!

Setelah imsomniac [link] melanda, aku kembali membaca.

Siri2 misteri telah kembali dikhatamkan.
Juga komik2.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows by JK Rowling

Sekarang sedang membaca kembali Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. Kembali mengembara di alam itu.
But I craves for more!

Projek Gila yang menggilakan aku!!! Kasutku membunuhku!!!

Semalam, projek giler berjalan.
Projek apa??? [link]

Aku pulak ada misi!

Remember, the Inkdeath that I got for someone at RM 69.90 from this entry??? [link]

The RM69.90 Inkdeath...

Duh, menyesal pula membeli.
Biasalah, bila mata telah dibutakan dan telinga telah ditulikan.

Sebab apa?

Sebab, I got this ‘Inkheart Trilogi’ of Cornelia Funke for only RM 79.90!!!

The Inkheart Trilogy for only RM79.90!!!

That means, Inkheart, Inkspell and Inkdeath in one book!

Puas hati. Ada la aktiviti yang boleh dibuat cuti ini.

Tapi tulisan dia sedikit kecik laa…

Dulik hapa haku!

Movie citer ni akan kuar dalam bulan Jan 2009.

Aku masih mempunyai wishlist:
  • Twiling Saga series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn) of Stephenie Meyer (smlam dah tgk movie dia.. best giler!!!)
  • Tales of Beedle Bard by JK Rowling

Any other suggestion??? [link]

Dan aku terus membaca…

p.s – maybe bahan bacaan aku masih ringan, masih berunsur fantasi… it might be slowly changed.. better than nothing right?
p.s – might review ‘5 ppl u meet in heaven’ soon… tgk la kalo rajin!!!



Diya said...

yash. gile rajin baca buku.

[tu je blh ckp, sbb gue bukan peminat buku].

:: Cikgu Wiween :: said...

Hye ulat buku! :P

egegege :P best jek the five people u meet in heaven tu. meh kasik kak ween laa! :P

dakchomey said...

nk pinjam The 5 People You Meet In Heaven

Rina said...


yay, ada gak yg sm ng ak.. haha.. twilight movie tu, besh kan? ada kwn ak gi tgk, tp ngadu ckp xbesh.. hehe..

ahmadkamal said...

tapi anda peminat cerpen kan...
try baca buku.. u dunno what u r missing!

yer ulat bulu! =p
tak bleh.. beli la sndrik!

hehe.. eh.. bukan kat ampang point ada kedai buku pinjam tuh ke...
sbb smlm kawan beta mencari pinjam buku twilight di situ..
try r cari sana...

best la movie dia... apa kawan ko senget pe kata tak best!
or maybe the expectation is too high!

Rina said...

tu la pasal, nak ckp expectation terlalu tinggi, xdela pulak..

tp kn, pd ak la, dlm byk2 muvee this year, twilight is one of the best!!


ahmadkamal said...

tu la...
aku rasa best!
lantak la apa owang nak kata!

ahmadkamal said...

browsing through ur profile.. nampak page yang u subscribe...
n i read about twilight there!

oho... komen copy paste ek...
ke blog itu ditulis anda juga??? *wink*

but after reading that, n you agrre with it, make me less interest in reading them...
reading the review of the movie over again after watching them, make me, "how did i get captivated when i watch that?"

tu la.. maybe tak penah baca buku.. n dah lama tak tgk any movie... lepad tuh tgk twilight, sampai terus tertarik...

so... tlg la cadangkan any good books yang boleh beat harry...
got inkheart trilogy skang, tapi macam malas sket nak membaca...

come on! make me sexier!!!


Max J. Potter said...

komen copy and paste sbb my personal comment would be so offensive it'd hurt your eyes. anisah's review was way softer, and it says what i wanna say in a more polite way. so you're saved. your blog is saved, too. LOL. read inkheart. it's awesome. read the whole trilogy. it's really awesome. try percy jackson and the olympians series. freaking awesome! i promise you that. and grow sexier as you read more! LOL.

p/s: i'll re-post my comment. lupe nak credit kat anisah chomel tu pulak. kesian die.

Max J. Potter said...

demanded. ok. its good that you read books. it's good that you read good books. and its awesome that you crave for more. i find guys who read and continue to do so, sexy. seriously. reading guys are sexy guys. you get to hear them talking sense. and most of the times, they sound interesting. so congrats. you're sexy, from where i stand.

about twilight. i'll never buy the book cuz the first chapter was freaking boring. and the movie..god. edward cullen is so created by a writer who is in love with her own character..and he doesn’t fall in love with another heavenly beautiful vampire and make vamplings together for the next century while we all grow stale, old and smelly. Instead, he falls in love with a human girl who is awkward, shy, lonely, uncharismatic, ordinary, boring and only slightly pretty, just like all of us!!! -creds to anisahshurfa

and someone tells me it's a work of a genius. i think it's incomprehensibly moronic.

and the cliches, good god.

"Cliché #1: Bella Swan, main character. Quiet, loner type who doesn’t have much friends. Clumsy. Beautiful, but doesn’t realize it (hahahahaha! How many times have we heard that before??). Spunky(?) Attracts the attention of all the guys and girls in her new school (see: Cliché #2) by just existing (I smell a Mary Sue). Falls in love with the one guy who dares to not fall at her feet.

Cliché #2: The book starts with Bella moving to a New City and a New School. It’s so ORIGINAL I wanted to cry in ecstasy.

Cliché #3: Mother and daughter are complete opposites, but super-close. Daughter is not close with Dad, even though they actually have a lot in common. You don’t say!!

Cliché #4: The mandatory Cafeteria Scene (no teen novel can be published without one, it seems) where the social hierarchy is drawn and the inhumanly beautiful Cullens are introduced. Bella’s attention, of course, is immediately diverted towards the lonely group, and she asks about them." -creds to anisahshurfa

and that's a work of a genius?

i've read more than anyone my age had. and twilight is a complete full-blast insult to the ideas of vampires. seriously.

so im saying NO to the books and movie (s) no matter what ppl say. to self-possessed cullen fans, throw at me anything you want. twilight sux. nuff sed.

kamal. your demand is now fulfilled. i demand a long respond to this, please. drop me a line when you have responded.


p/s: pinjam review anisahshurfa sbb i had to rush to class. sumimasen.

Hilman Nordin said...


I dare not suggest here.
I can only do so, if we go out together and go for a bookstore.

that way, I can just have the perfect book for you.


ahmadkamal said...

slamat blog gue.. kalo tak akan jadi kontroversi ek!
but thnks neway for sharing ur opinion!!!
looks like i got new title to be read!
yang inkheart akan teruskan membaca...
mybe sbb buku tuh berat sket, sbb 3 dalam 1, n wording dia sikit kecik, agak berat nak membaca...
but since u told that it is interesting, i'll read it!
browsing, cari pasal percy jackson... mcm best je sinopsis dia!
will get it bila dah habis inkheart trilogy!
keep update ur bookshelf at ur blog, slalu usya situ nak tgk apa best! =p
neway, thanks to anisah too

so when is our date???
i need ur opinion too
lagi byk cadangan lagi best...
sbb maybe ko bagi cadangan from diff perspectives!
mau beli dan membaca!

ChesterChaz said...

harry potter mmg syok.. bepusing2 gak otak nk membayangkan sumer2 dalam bku tuh.. seb bek la ader movie nyer.. kadang2 tu ape yg aku imagine giler lari dari movie nyer.. hahaha..

aku minat author Neil Gaiman.. citer die agak berat dah boleh wt ko konpius.. so kene bace ngn berhati2.. hehe.. favourite aku ialah neverwhere.. xtau arr ko suka ke x kn.. hehe

Alin said...

i love love love books! just dont have time to read since right now my time is occupied in reading other people's blogs heeeeeeeee.

as for me, aku suka chic lit la of course. ko try la baca buku from sophie kinsella ke, cecilia ahern ke. sangat best tau.

ahmadkamal said...

tapi kadang2 movie yang lari dari imagination kita... bukan the other way round! haha
neil gaiman? huhu
thnks 4 da suggestion!!!

yerp.. baca gak sophie tuh tajuk remember me best... n cecilia tuh citer psst i love you tuh kan...
eheh! chic lic tak mengembangkan imaginasi... walaupun citer pasal idop dia kadang2 betol...
but... malula kalo aku baca! haha